Our contribution to the international architectural competition 'La Tour Tilia'.
In the city of Prilly, near Lausanne and Lake Geneva, a highly complex hybrid building is to be created and complemented by an 85m high skyscraper.
Different uses, such as apartments, a hotel, micro-apartments, co-working spaces, sports facilities, public offers of gastronomy and stores will activate the area and contribute to a lively environment.
The "Viaduc" has a cross-quarter significance as an urban building block, as it is on the one hand the "hinge" between the districts of Prilly and the southern area, the Prilly -Malley station, and on the other hand the northern gateway to a new lively district.
The Malley site is intended to be exemplary both from an environmental point of view and in terms of the mix between activity and retreat and between future residents.
A dense network of public spaces and specific, high-capacity facilities is intended to promote mobility in the district. Public transportation and pedestrian permeability of the site support ecologically sound commuting and travel.
The existing buildings "La Baloise" and "Badminton" will be retained. With their proportions, they become the toolbox of the ensemble's design. Their facades will be renewed and completed according to the high required energy standard.
The idiosyncratic iconographic effect is created by the addition of new building blocks. There is a deliberate decision not to have a uniform eaves edge at the base. The different eaves edges create the impression of "dancing boxes". This principle is transferred over the base, the hotel, into the tower with a leap in scale into the vertical.
The Place de Galicia is designed as an interpretation of an urban amphitheater in a variation of a circular square. The green oasis with water basin and seating steps, and large unsealed area is surrounded by diverse adjacent uses.