High-rise Buildings
We love excelling ourselves. Between 2012 and 2020, we planned and developed more than 15 high-rise buildings, for residential, office and hybrid use.
Our designs are logical and comprehensible and are always created in context. They are unmistakable buildings with their own identity that fit harmoniously into their surroundings.

Specialists in Special Buildings
High-rise buildings are special structures. They require functionally intelligent solutions, created through the perfect cooperation of many different specialists.
The core of a high-rise building is particularly complex. Floors should be quickly accessible, especially in hybrid high-rise buildings with different user groups. Technology and production processes require foresighted and precise planning. The organisation of the vertical development determines the economic efficiency of the building.

Focus on service phases 1-5
Our focus is on service phases 1 to 5 as well as design transfer support. We advise and accompany public contractors, city planners and developers already in the preliminary studies for competitions and are invited to participate in national and international competitions ourselves.